Search Results for sop14 size
Understanding Different Cable Gland Thread Types: NPT, Metric, & PG
Example: An NPT size might be labeled as “1/2″ NPT,” indicating a half-inch diameter with tapered threads. 2) Metric Threads Definition: Metric threads follow the ISO metric system and are prevalent in most IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) countries. Thread Characteristics:
Coaxial Cable Guide - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of connectors designed to terminate to many commercially available coaxial cable types. The following cable guide lists standard flexible, Low Loss, semi-rigid and conformable, micro-coaxial, and corrugated cable as well as associated product links.
Military to Commercial Shell Style Conversion Table - Amphenol Aerospace
Contact Us: 800-678-0141 • 38999 III 38999 II 38999 I SJT Aquacon 2M 83723 26482 26500 Shell Size Insert Shell KK KK Commercial JT02
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Available from 36 contacts size 22 to 8 contacts size 12. Amphenol Air LB France 1765 Electronic Component Carrying Modules Derived from the 1750 series, the Amphenol Air LB France's 1765 modules series consists of components carrier versions that can be fitted with diodes, resistors, fuses, etc. Perfectly suited in a cable harness to easily ...
Model TLD339A34 - PCB
Model TLD339A34 - PCB
Amphenol Connectors Cross Reference Guide
Shell Size: MS3107: See 97 Series: X: X: MS3108: X: X: X . Amphenol Proprietary Intermates: 10-214XXX, 10-244XXX (Crimp types - front removal) Amphenol Proprietary Non-Intermates: (5015 Type) See also Heavy Duty Class “L”, Amphenol QWLD (MIL-DTL-22992), catalog 12-052;
Quadrax Fiber Optic Adapter
The Quadrax fiber optic adapter allows the user to effortlessly convert electrical quadrax contacts in rack and panel connectors to fiber optics
NovaSensor NPB 102 Pressure Sensor -
NovaSensor NPB 102 Pressure Sensor -
TNC Connectors - RF Connectors - Amphenol RF
Flange Size. 0.688 Inches (17.48 mm) Square 1 item; Detent Type. Not Applicable 1 item; Thread Direction. Reverse 6 items; Standard 234 items; Size Category. Miniature 387 items; Compare Products. Remove This Item; Compare. Clear All. You have no items to compare. My Parts List. Last Added Items. View Details.
Mini Cordsets - TPC Wire
Quick-Connex® Mini Cordsets - Quick-Lock Safety Device for use on size “A” size 3-6 Pole and "B" size 6-8 Pole. View Product Quick-Connex® 16 AWG Mini Accessories. Quick-Connex® 16 AWG Mini Accessories include 90° short elbow, closure caps, and adapters. View Product ...
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Assembly Instructions - Document Library - Amphenol RF
Back; N-Type Adapters; N-Type to 1.0-2.3 Adapters; N-Type to 2.2-5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.1-9.5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.3-10 Adapters; N-Type to 7-16 Adapters
387TV -
387TV connectors derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III dedicated to application where miniature size and low weight are critical is the size below Size 9: the size 7. This range can accomodate a size 8 High-Speed contacts (Coax, Twinax, Quadrax, 1Gb & 10 Gb Octomax), any 38999 size 9 contacts arrangement and Fiber Optics. Ground Vehicles Main ...
Leap | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
The LEAP® On-Board Transceiver is a rugged 12-channel duplex optical transceiver capable of achieving data rates of up to 28.05Gbps per channel, up to 300Gbps in total when considering all channels.
Rectangular Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Available in 2, 4, and 6 positions. Amphenol Sine Systems ATP Series™ Connectors are designed as an IP68/69K rated (mated), high-performance, cost-effective, thermoplastic solution with superior environmental seals, seal retention capabilities, and are designed for use with 10-14AWG with size 12 contacts handling up to 25A.
Miniature Bayonet Lock Connectors Designed to meet MIL-C-26482
CONTENTS Page Amphenol 62GB Solder Connectors 1 Schedule of Tests 2-3 Connector Styles Available 4-5 Insert Availability 6-7 Ordering 62GB Series Connectors 8-9
B SP14M1XX B2 - Amphenol Sine
stamped, 14-16awg, size 16 b sp14m1xx b2 1 1 flan nov-16-2016 tod nov-16-2016 tommy nov-16-2016 none tommy notesÿˆ( unless otherwise specified) 1. materialÿˆ 1.1. contact bodyÿˆcopper alloy. 1.2. outer springÿˆstainless steel. 2. specificationsÿˆ 2.1 current ratingÿˆ13a max. 2.2 termination typeÿˆcrimping. 2.3 wire rangeÿˆ14 ...
AWP-2S | 2-Way Wedgelock Plug | ATP Series™ Heavy Duty Wedge
MFX-3973 - Size 12 Crimp Die for Stamped and Formed Contacts. REQUEST A QUOTE. ATT-12-00 - Size 12 Stamped and Formed Contact Tool 12-14 AWG. REQUEST A QUOTE. ATRT-100 - Contact and Wedgelock Extraction Tool. REQUEST A QUOTE. Recently Viewed Items. Turn History Off
Our Product Lines - Amphenol Sine
M16 Size Circular Connectors. signalmate C091 AISG RET Cable Assemblies. M16 Size Circular Cable Assemblies. Distributed Power & Control / Factory Automation. Available in Sizes M12, M22, M29, M40, M35. PRM Series. Panel Rack Mount Power Connectors. MotionGrade Series. M23 and M40 Circular DIN Connectors.
RP-SMA Cable Assemblies - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of RP-SMA Cable Assemblies designed for radio frequency applications. RP-SMA Cable Assemblies feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.