Search Results for spiral antenna for loop
Antennas for LTE450 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Single band LTE450 and LTE700/800 panel antennas for Infrastructure. Omnidirectional colinear and dipole antennas for Infrastructure and Sub stations. Yagi’s and stacked dipoles. As traditional UHF markets transition to Private LTE (4G or 5G) this valuable spectrum is being transformed to LTE450 with more than 30 countries rolling out this ...
Antenna Solutions | Products - Amphenol
The antenna design is often monopole, loop, IFA or PIFA antennas. Amphenol Mobile Consumer Products Entertainment Antennas Amphenol’s high-performance WIFI antenna solutions for entertainment systems such as PlayStation, TV, and wireless sound systems enable excellent connectivity and high speeds. ...
Yagi Antennas 7031144 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
A 2-element VHF Yagi antenna for PMR/Trunked Radio, Broadcast and extended range VHF Aircraft Band applications. Produced to the highest quality standards; These robust antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Former Jaybeam brand product. Specifications. Electrical; Model: 7031144: Frequency:
Railway Antennas from Amphenol Antennas
Railway Antenna Solutions Scalable VHF, Cellular, Wi-Fi and GPS Antenna Arrays With quick-fit, blind-mate connector mounting systems and cabling solutions for rapid deployment. Railway Antenna Solutions Model Number: 7878002 Designed and tested to withstand the locomotive operational environment.
Marine Antennas CXL 70-3LW/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
To substantially reduce noise caused by atmospherical discharges, all metal parts in the antenna are DC-grounded. Consequently, the antenna shows a DC-short across the coaxial cable. The CXL 70-3LW/… is a vibration-proof, lightweight, slim-line, corrosion resistant, modern style base station and marine antenna.
Indoor, MIMO, omni antenna, designed for ceiling mount installation 5005200
Indoor, MIMO, omni antenna, designed for ceiling mount installation DESCRIPTION Indoor, MIMO, omni antenna Designed for ceiling mount installation ORDERING Model Product No. Antenna with N-Type Connector 5005200 Antenna with 4.1/9.5 Mini-DIN Connector 5005200-mDIN Antenna with 7/16-DIN Connector 5005200-DIN SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Model Port ...
BA6312-1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Omnidirectional Fiberglass Antenna, 449-467, 5.1dBi, N Female
Handportable Antennas SB 2-1/2/150-160 MHz-N - AMPHENOL PROCOM
50 W Steel-Band Antenna for Portable Equipment in the 150 MHz Band . Download . Product PDF; Add to quote. Description. Rugged, flexible steel-band antenna whip. Curved sectional area to help keeping the antenna erect. Delivered factory-tuned and tested to ensure minimum VSWR and optimum performance. Provided with N (male) connector. ...
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APXVARR15_43-C-NA20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Model has been discontinued, but stock is available. 6-Ports, X-Pol, Panel Antenna, 1.524m, 1x 617-746/ 2x 1695-2200 MHz, 65deg, Integrated RET
Omni Antennas 7533400 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Housed inside a a high-strength glass fibre shroud, the antenna includes an integrated mounting clamp allowing easy installation on poles or horizontal rails. The robust antenna design ensures reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Former Jaybeam brand product. Specifications. Electrical; Model: 7533400: Frequency:
Marine Antennas CXL 70-3LW/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
To substantially reduce noise caused by atmospherical discharges, all metal parts in the antenna are DC-grounded. Consequently, the antenna shows a DC-short across the coaxial cable. The CXL 70-3LW/… is a vibration-proof, lightweight, slim-line, corrosion resistant, modern style base station and marine antenna.
2C4U6VT360X06Fwxys5 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 24-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (2x) 696-960 | (4x) 1695-2700 | (6x) 3300-4200 MHz, Fixed Tilt
APXVLL19P_43-C-A20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dual Slant Polarized Dual Band (4 Port) Antenna, x2 1695-2690MHz, 65deg, 1.9m (6.5ft), RET, 0-12°
Marine Antennas CXL 2400-1LW - AMPHENOL PROCOM
CXL 2400-1LW/... is a 0 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional base station and marine antenna for the 2400 MHz band. The carefully designed, broad-banded antenna element is sealed in a high-quality, glass fibre tube with low wind-load, which will ensure performance undisturbed by corrosive environments.
Yagi Antennas S.4Y-445 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
A 4-element UHF Yagi antenna for PMR/Trunked Radio and Telemetry. Produced to the highest quality standards, these robust antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Former Skymasts brand product. Specifications. Electrical; Model: S.4Y-445: Frequency: 420 - 470 MHz: Max. Input Power
Yagi-Antennen 7040385 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
A 3-element UHF Yagi antenna for PMR/Trunked Radio and Broadcast applications. Produced to the highest quality standards, these robust antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Former Jaybeam brand product. Spezifikationen. Elektrisch DE; Modell: 7040385: Frequenz: 380 - 430 MHz: Max. Eingangsleistung
Omni Antennas CXL 2/70C - AMPHENOL PROCOM
CXL 2/70C is a dual-frequency base station antenna - two bands with only one antenna. This antenna makes it possible to: operate 160 and 450 MHz transceivers alternately on the same antenna; operate two transceivers (160 and 450 MHz) at the same time on one antenna using a diplexer (type DIPX 225/330 - must be ordered separately).
Bluewave Marathon Yagi Antennas - PCTEL
Manufactured from 6061-T6 aluminum to withstand heavy ice, high wind and other harsh conditions, these anodized antennas have a dipole design with an integral feed line welded to the boom for extra strength and electrical conductivity.
ACU-A20-S - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Optimizer RT® Antenna Control Unit AISG 2.0