Search Results for stainless steel vg connector
BNC 75 RF Connectors - Amphenol Sine
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 115 0 obj > endobj 135 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[251A78D7272F464298B662E68E97EF54>62060D7F9D96FB4EB261B626BE5DA0C8>]/Index[115 40]/Info 114 0 R ...
PRODUKTPASS | SJT nach VG96912 - Amphenol-Air LB
Rundsteckverbinder SJT mit Bajonettverriegelung, für Crimp-, Einlöt- und Wire-Wrap-Kontakte, zugelassen nach VG96912, PAN6433-2, JN 1003
TV nach VG95319-1006; -1007; -1008; -1016 und CTV
VG-Stecker. Rundsteckverbinder TV in verschiedenen Werkstoffen wie Aluminium, Edelstahl, Marine Bronze, Composite und mit verschiedenen Oberflächen wie Zink-Zinn, grün Kadmiert, Black-Zink-Nickel und vernickelt. ... 440,36 kB Amphenol_Marinebronze_Connectors_V171120 PDF | 4,04 MB Amphenol_J-Ausführung_J-Version_V032024 PDF | 3,75 MB. KONTAKT ...
UPC Series
%PDF-1.7 %âãÏÓ 2157 0 obj > endobj 2188 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[7380472990A89E4C953FD1BEB1283F46>]/Index[2157 42]/Info 2156 0 R/Length 139/Prev 5219206/Root ...
L-725.pmd - Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 9 0 obj > endobj xref 9 21 0000000016 00000 n 0000000920 00000 n 0000000998 00000 n 0000001177 00000 n 0000001282 00000 n 0000001803 00000 n 0000002401 00000 n 0000002856 00000 n 0000003358 00000 n 0000003460 00000 n 0000003560 00000 n 0000004405 00000 n 0000005272 00000 n 0000006057 00000 n 0000006638 00000 n 0000007086 00000 n 0000007572 00000 n 0000008052 00000 n ...
WE CONNECT THE WORLD AND BEYOND Datensteckverbinder aus Serie SJT/VG96912 und TV/38999III für High-Speed Datenübertragung als Komplettlösung mit geschirmten SQ-
Ruggedized Ethernet Cables - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Amphenol connectors in everything from low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that make advanced communications and our modern digital world possible, to the International Space Station and other spaceborne applications. Amphenol connectors have been relied on for decades to ensure manned and unmanned space vehicles stay online, allowing astronauts ...
Powersafe - VG96944 - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
Il connettore PowerSafe di Amphenol Socapex è una soluzione ad alte prestazioni progettata per la trasmissione di alta potenza con tensioni superiori a 500 V, che soddisfa i requisiti più severi del mercato in materia di sicurezza degli utenti. È certificato secondo le norme EN61984 e EN60664, che ne garantiscono la sicurezza d'uso anche nelle applicazioni più impegnative.
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 36 0 obj > endobj 56 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[2F0C6CD0EFFBFC418EEE665DCDE2D079>]/Index[36 30]/Info 35 0 R/Length 110/Prev 410840/Root 37 0 R ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
Discover Amephenol All Sensors customizble ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Kaye ValProbe® Freeze Dryer Logger -
316L stainless steel; Logger Dimensions: Height 2.28 in x 1.41 in diameter (58 mm x 36 mm) Sensing Area Dimension: 1.34 in (34 mm) diameter: Battery: Field-replaceable 3.6 V lithium thionyl chloride 1600 hours at 1 sec at 20°C/180 hours at 1 sec at -85°C: Sampling Rate: 1 second to 12 hours: Data Storage: 10,000 samples retained in non ...
Flexible Real-Time Temperature Data Logger - KAYE
Los registradores de datos en tiempo real Kaye ValProbe RT están disponibles en varias configuraciones de sensor, incluyendo sensores rígidos, plegables y flexibles. Los registradores de datos en tiempo real flexibles ofrecen configuraciones con uno, dos o cinco sensores de temperatura. Cada registrador de datos en tiempo real flexible tiene una capacidad de almacenamiento de 100.000 puntos ...
Powersafe - VG96944 - 38999-serien | Amphenol Socapex
VG-kvalifisert (kun 13-V4, 17-V6, 25-V6) ROHS; Kontakttyper og avslutninger: 6 kontaktarrangementer: 2 x trefaseinnsatser og 4 x enfaseinnsatser; Kontaktstørrelser fra 20 til 4; ... These connectors are manufactured with the same materials, plating and accessories (caps, backshell). Powersafe connectors offer the same environmental ...
gtc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PRODUKTPASS | VG-Connectors - Amphenol-Air LB VG95218T031 TYPE B001; TYPE C001 and TYPE C002 (CAT7) VG95234 (GCB-B) VG95234 Type B (GCB-B in Marine Bronze) VG95319-100/-101 (TacBeam) VG95319-102 (TacBeam in Marine Bronze) ... Eaxtron - UL1977 DIN Connector: Effortless & Arcless UL 1977 DIN Connector. RadCrimp Solar Splice:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Customer Drawing -
Outer spring:Stainless steel 7.符合ROHS ROHS compliant Customer Drawing INITIAL RELEASE 料号从HCTM16XX改为HCTM216XX. 3.7 16 . Title: 模型 Created Date:
Leading the Evolution of RF/Microwave Technology on a Global Scale | SV ...
SMPM Connectors 3211-60298. Add to compare list Datasheet. Upcoming Events. IMS 2025. June 17 - 19, 2025. June 17 - 19, 2025. San Francisco, CA. Learn More. View All Events. News. SV Microwave's VITA RF Test Cable Assemblies Are Now In Stock! January 24, 2025. details.
Products -
316 stainless steel. Battery. Field-replaceable 3.6V Lithium. Sampling Rate. 1 second to 12 hours. Data Storage. 5000 samples per sensor retained in EE PROM memory. Calibration. Factory calibrated (NIST-traceable) with user calibration. Real time clock accuracy. 15 seconds per 24 hours (0.0174%) from -45 to 140°C.
Antennes portatives EFD 70/...-FME -
Fouet robuste flexible en caoutchouc. Fouet de taille totale ½ λ alimenté à la base. Gain élevé et couplage efficace du portable. Gain 5 dB (typ.) comparé à une antenne ¼ λ sur le même équipement.
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