Search Results for tacbeam
TACBEAM - Σύνδεσμοι οπτικών ινών | Amphenol Socapex
Ο σύνδεσμος οπτικών ινών TACBEAM της Amphenol Socapex είναι ένας ερμαφρόδιτος σύνδεσμος σχεδιασμένος για χρήση σε σκληρά περιβάλλοντα. Διαθέτει τεχνολογία διευρυμένης δέσμης για ανέπαφη μετάδοση, με επιλογές μονότροπου και ...
Amphenol M83526/20&21CompliantExpanded TacBeam Fiber Systems
Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol Fiber Systems International TacBeam M83526/20&21CompliantExpanded BeamRuggedFiberOpticConnectors Specifications EB4H1000 Plug Assembly
TACBEAM - Optické konektory | Amphenol Socapex
Le connecteur pour fibre optique TACBEAM d'Amphenol Socapex est un connecteur hermaphrodite conçu pour être utilisé dans des environnements sévères. Il est doté de la technology du faisceau élargi pour une transmission sans contact, avec des options monomode et multimode et jusqu'à quatre canaux. Le connecteur TACBEAM est qualifié M83526/20 et /21, ce qui en fait une solution fiable ...
Fiber Optic Solutions for Broadcast Applications
TACBeam Flange Mount Receptacle TACBeam Flange Mount Rec w/ Strain Relief Amphenol Fiber Systems International 4 Amphenol Fiber Systems International 5 110 Series - SMPTE 304M Connectors 110-6500-125-C In Line Receptacle 110-6000-125-R Fixed Receptacle
EB4H1000 Plug Assembly Drawing
EB4H1000 Plug Assembly Drawing
Fiber Optic Connectors - For harsh environments | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol SOCAPEX offers a large range of optical fibre solutions: optical termini, FO connectors, cable assembly. Our rugged fiber optic solutions can be used in harsh environments in applications such as: battlefield communications, C5ISR communication, ground vehicles, soldier equipment, navy, military & commercial aerospace.
TacBeam - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TacBeam - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TACBEAM - Optički konektori | Amfenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapek optički konektor TACBEAM je hermafroditski konektor dizajniran za upotrebu u teškim uslovima. Poseduje proširenu tehnologiju snopa za beskontaktni prenos, sa singlemode i multimode opcijama i do četiri kanala. TACBEAM konektor je M83526/20 i /21 kvalifikovan, što ga čini pouzdanim i visoko-performanstvenim rešenjem za vojne i industrijske aplikacije.
Amphenol -
TACBeam ® Interface Adapter Amphenol Fiber Systems International, Inc. 1300 Central Expressway North, Suite 100 Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 214.547.2400 - 800.472.4225 Fax: 214.547.9344 Publication: AFSI-TACBeam ®IA-ds-091613. Specifications subject to change without notice. -
RES-GMC - Expanded Beam Technology - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex Media converter RES-GMC is a rugged Ethernet fiber optic converter that uses expanded beam technology compliant with MIL-STD norms. The device is designed to provide reliable and secure connectivity in harsh military environments. The converter supports STANAG 4290, CTOS Expanded beam technology, and M83526 TACbeam Expanded beam technology.
Amphenol TACBeam FOM - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
the TACBeam ® FOM's compact size significantly reduces the footprint devoted to O-E and E-O conversion. The standard TACBeam ® FOM provides conversion for G.703 T1 (1.544Mb/s) electrical signals via a standard RJ-48 to multimode optical signals via AFSI's TACBeam ®. The TACBeam ® is compliant to the M83526/20 & /21 specifi-
TACBEAM - 光ファイバコネクタ|Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex光ファイバコネクタTACBEAMは、過酷な環境での使用向けに設計された両性コネクタです。 シングルモードおよびマルチモードのオプションと最大4チャンネルを備えた非接触伝送用の拡張ビーム技術を特長としています。
TACBEAM - Száloptikai csatlakozók | Amphenol Socapex
Az Amphenol Socapex TACBEAM száloptikai csatlakozó egy hermaphrodita csatlakozó, amelyet zord környezetben való használatra terveztek. Az érintésmentes átvitelhez kiterjesztett sugártechnológiával rendelkezik, egy- és többmódusú opciókkal és akár négy csatornával. A TACBEAM csatlakozó M83526/20 és /21 minősítéssel rendelkezik, így megbízható és nagy ...
Fiber Optic Solutions : optical termini, FO connectors, cable assembly ...
Amphenol SOCAPEX offers a large range of optical fibre solutions: optical termini, FO connectors, cable assembly. Our rugged fiber optic solutions can be used in harsh environments in applications such as: battlefield communications, C5ISR communication, ground vehicles, soldier equipment, navy, military & commercial aerospace.
Amphenol TACBeam FOM - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TACBeam FOM p roduct line, call toll free (U.S. only) at 800.472.4225, international calls please use 1.214.547.2400 or e-mail About Amphenol Fiber Systems International Amph e no l Fib Sy s t Ia ( ) designs, manufactures, markets and supports reliable
90 TACBeam Drawing - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
90 TACBeam Drawing - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TACBEAM - Optické konektory | Amphenol Socapex
Optický konektor Amphenol Socapex TACBEAM je hermafroditní konektor určený pro použití v náročných podmínkách. Je vybaven technologií rozšířeného paprsku pro bezkontaktní přenos, s možností jednovidového i vícevidového připojení a až čtyřmi kanály. Konektor TACBEAM splňuje požadavky norem M83526/20 a /21, což z něj činí spolehlivé a vysoce výkonné ...
Harsh Environment Fiber Optic Solutions - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
M83522, TACBeam® (MIL-PRF-83526), and M28876 products are the global standard in the military marketplace and are complemented by a host of products for equally demanding industrial applications. Simply put, we provide data to decision makers when failure is not an option. AFSI employs over 100 people at its 50,000 square foot facility
EB4H6000 Receptacle Assembly – Part Number Scheme
EB4H6000 Receptacle Assembly – Part Number Scheme
TACBEAM - Connecteurs fibre optique | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 的 TACBEAM 光纤连接器是一种专为在恶劣环境中使用而设计的雌雄同体连接器。它采用无触点传输技术,有单模、多模和四通道可供选择。TACBEAM 连接器符合 M83526/20 和 /21 标准,为军事和工业应用提供了可靠、高性能的解决方案。