Search Results for tacbeam
TACBEAM - Sợi quang Connecteurs | Amphenol Socapex
Le connecteur pour fibre optique TACBEAM d'Amphenol Socapex est un connecteur hermaphrodite conçu pour être utilisé dans des environnements sévères. Il est doté de la technologie du faisceau élargi pour une transmission sans contact, avec des options monomode et multimode et jusqu'à quatre canaux. Le connecteur TACBEAM est qualifié M83526/20 et /21, ce qui en fait une solution fiable ...
AFSI Achieves Qualification to MIL-DTL-83526 for its TACBeam® Connector ...
Allen, TX. July 2015 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) is pleased to announce that its TACBeam® connector is qualified to the MIL-DTL-83526/20 & /21 specification. Approval to this standard makes it the best choice for harsh environment fiber optic ground-based applications around the world. Key features of the TACBeam®: Full qualification […]
PRODUKTPASS | TacBeam as per VG95319-100; -101 - Amphenol-Air LB
TacBeam is a hermaphroditic lens plug connector, insensitive to dust and dirt. This plug connector is qualified as per MIL-DTL-83526/20 and 21. In addition, it is approved as per VG95319-100, and is thus suitable for outdoor applications.
PRODUKTPASS | TacBeam as per VG95319-100; -101 - Amphenol-Air LB
TacBeam is a hermaphroditic lens plug connector, insensitive to dust and dirt. This plug connector is qualified as per MIL-DTL-83526/20 and 21. In addition, it is approved as per VG95319-100, and is thus suitable for outdoor applications.
FIBER OPTICS - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
beam (CTOS, TACBeam®) and others. For applications demanding reliability, traceability and the highest level of quality, a complete plug-and-play cable assembly directly from the manufacturer offers the highest degree of confidence. Amphenol cable assemblies are manufactured by expert technicians in our state-of-the-art facilities.
TACBEAM - Optické konektory | Amphenol Socapex
Optický konektor Amphenol Socapex TACBEAM je hermafroditní konektor určený pro použití v náročných podmínkách. Je vybaven technologií rozšířeného paprsku pro bezkontaktní přenos, s možností jednovidového i vícevidového připojení a až čtyřmi kanály. Konektor TACBEAM splňuje požadavky norem M83526/20 a /21, což z něj činí spolehlivé a vysoce výkonné ...
• TACBeam, CTOS, TFOCA-XBT • Large beam for easy transmission • Supports both multi-mode and single-mode fiber • Expanded beam technology is less susceptible to dust and debris Woven Ribbon Harnesses: • Custom flat ribbon cable • Configurations can be designed to match bespoke customer requirements
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
TacBeam is a hermaphroditic lens connector, insensitive to dust and dirt. This connector is qualified as per MIL-DTL-83526/20 and 21. In addition, it is approved as per VG95319-100; -101, and is thus suitable for outdoor applications. A marine bronze version is also available (according to VG95319-102).
TACBEAM - Łączniki światłowodowe | Amphenol Socapex
Złącze światłowodowe TACBEAM firmy Amphenol Socapex jest złączem hermafrodytycznym przeznaczonym do stosowania w trudnych warunkach. Wyposażone jest ono w technologię fauxceau élargi zapewniającą transmisję bezstykową, z opcjami jedno- i wielomodowymi oraz maksymalnie czterema kanałami. Złącze TACBEAM jest zgodne z normami M83526/20 i /21, dzięki czemu stanowi niezawodne i ...
FIBER OPTICS - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
beam (CTOS, TACBeam®) and others. For applications demanding reliability, traceability and the highest level of quality, a complete plug-and-play cable assembly directly from the manufacturer offers the highest degree of confidence. Amphenol cable assemblies are manufactured by expert technicians in our state-of-the-art facilities.
TACBEAM - Lichtwellenleiter-Verbindungen | Amphenol Socapex
Der Glasfasersteckverbinder TACBEAM von Amphenol Socapex ist ein hermaphroditischer Steckverbinder, der für den Einsatz in sicheren Umgebungen konzipiert wurde. Er ist mit der Technologie des élargi-Feldes für eine kontaktlose Übertragung ausgestattet und verfügt über Monomode- und Multimode-Optionen mit bis zu vier Kanälen. Der TACBEAM-Steckverbinder ist nach M83526/20 und /21 ...
Drawing of the AFSI TacBeam Interface Adapter
TacBeam Interface Adapter 3.00 MATING PLANE O 1.56 Applications • GroundTacticalSystems • Energy • TacticalBroadcastNetworks Features • TFOCA,TFOCA-II ...
90 TACBeam Drawing - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
90 TACBeam Drawing - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Interconnect Solutions for Naval & Marine
TACBeam Fiber Optics Expanded Beam Hermaphroditic connectors M8326/20 & /21 2M Series Micro & lightweight connectors 387TV - Size 7 connectors Ethernet Switches MIL-STD-61 MIL-STD-810 Rugged USB FIELD Solutions PowerSafe - 13A to 100A disconnection under load . 4 5 Need for high-speed?
ARES Reel with TACBeam Cable - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
ARES Reel with TACBeam Cable - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Amphenol TACBeam FOM - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TACBeam FOM p roduct line, call toll free (U.S. only) at 800.472.4225, international calls please use 1.214.547.2400 or e-mail About Amphenol Fiber Systems International Amph e no l Fib Sy s t Ia ( ) designs, manufactures, markets and supports reliable
PRODUKTPASS | VG-Connectors - Amphenol-Air LB
VG95218T031 TYPE B001; TYPE C001 and TYPE C002 (CAT7) VG95234 (GCB-B) VG95234 Type B (GCB-B in Marine Bronze) VG95319-100/-101 (TacBeam) VG95319-102 (TacBeam in Marine Bronze)
RES-GMC - 확장 빔 기술 - 광섬유 미디어 컨버터 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 미디어 컨버터 RES-GMC는 MIL-STD 규격을 준수하는 확장 빔 기술을 사용하는 견고한 이더넷 광섬유 컨버터입니다. 이 장치는 열악한 군사 환경에서 안정적이고 안전한 연결을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 컨버터는 STANAG 4290, CTOS 확장 빔 기술 및 M83526 TACbeam 확장 빔 기술을 지원합니다.
TAC Beam - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
TACBeamは、MIL-PRF-83526/20 & /21に適合した拡大ビー ム型の光コネクタです。メンテナンス性に優れた雌雄同形状コネクタであ り、伝送モードはシングルモード、マルチモード、芯数は2芯又は4芯か らお選び頂けます。また様々な種類のケーブルに適合します。 特長