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Quản lý hệ thống chất lượng & môi trường | Amphenol Socapex
Quản lý rủi ro. Để dự đoán các quyết định quan trọng và tránh các vấn đề lớn, toàn bộ tổ chức của chúng tôi đã học cách giảm thiểu hầu hết các rủi ro liên quan đến hoạt động của chúng tôi.
ASGTCコネクタ クロスリファレンス検索|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
アンフェノールジャパン株式会社:航空宇宙・産業機器カンパニー ~航空宇宙・産業用および通信用コネクタ・ケーブルの製造・販売~ 当サイトをご利用になるためには、Javascript対応のブラウザが必要です。
TV Breakaway Fail-Safe Lanyard Release Commercia
4. Required Field 0 The required field is always 0 6. Contact Type/Alternate Keying Position Pin Contacts Socket Contacts MS Letter Amphenol letter MS Letter Amphenol Letter PN P (normal) SN S (normal) PA G SA H PB I SB J PC K SC L PD M SD N PE R SE T 3. Insert Arrangement 40 19-35 47 21-11 48 21-16 49 21-35 51 21-39 50 21-41 57 23-21 58 23-35 ...
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 4 0 obj > endobj xref 4 40 0000000016 00000 n 0000001303 00000 n 0000001400 00000 n 0000001631 00000 n 0000037257 00000 n 0000048888 00000 n 0000049014 00000 n 0000049146 00000 n 0000049282 00000 n 0000049414 00000 n 0000049483 00000 n 0000049563 00000 n 0000075355 00000 n 0000075613 00000 n 0000076073 00000 n 0000076098 00000 n 0000076701 00000 n 0000076770 00000 n ...
Accesorios - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex es un líder reconocido en el suministro de conectores circulares de alto rendimiento, incluidos los conectores D38999, 2M Micro Miniature, Rugged Ethernet, USB, Display, RFM y PT/451, adaptados a una amplia gama de aplicaciones críticas dentro de los sectores de defensa y aeroespacial. Estos conectores eléctricos están diseñados para satisfacer las rigurosas exigencias de ...
B A3 - Amphenol Sine
2.4 dielectric withstanding voltage :less than 2 milliamps current leakage@2000 volts ac. 2.5 insulation resistance :5000 megohms min. 2.6 ip--class :ip67. 2.7 mating cycles durability:500 cycles min. 2.8 rohs compliant. 3. suitable contacts :16# contacts. 4. all dimensions are for reference use only. 5. contact size and rear seal ...
G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsRT(0W)(HP) NewC-RTHP6161SxH-35PSx ...
2.4 dielectric withstanding voltage: less than 2 milliamps current leakage @ 5000 volts ac 2.5 degree of protection: ip67 (mated condition) 2.6 degree of pollution: 3 per ul840 2.7 overvoltage category: iii per ul840 2.8 mating cycle durability: >100 cycles 2.9 rohs compliant 3. all dimensions are for reference use only.
VITA 66.1 y 66.4 - Conectores VITA | Amphenol Socapex
Los VITA 66.1 y 66.4 de Amphenol Socapex forman parte de la familia de productos de la empresa para sistemas de conectores ópticos MT Module/Backplane de acoplamiento ciego. Estos conectores están diseñados para cumplir las especificaciones de arquitectura abierta VITA 66.1 y 66.4 y están fabricados con tecnología robusta para su uso en entornos severos.
SMPM-E Bullets - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Figure 3: Full Detent Withdrawal Testing Figure 4: Smooth Bore Withdrawal Testing: 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Withdrawal Force (lbs) Mating Cycle SMPM-E SMPM Spec Limit (min) Title: SMPM-E Bullets Created Date:
C14610E0249551M 24+PE Plug Kit, Single Latch, Side Entry Hi
24+PE - Plug Kit, Male, 20/12AWG. Single side entry high profile hood
Status zasięgu | Amphenol Socapex
powrót Seria PS: Rozwiązania dla urządzeń zasilających. Konwertery mocy; Jednostki dystrybucji zasilania; Klucze i przedłużacze USB
R-VPX - złącza VITA | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex R-VPX to szybki system połączeń między płytami zaprojektowany tak, aby spełniał i przekraczał standardy VITA 46. Jest to modułowy komercyjny system połączeń, który obsługuje protokoły Ethernet, Fiber Channel, InfiniBand i inne. Jest to wytrzymały system zaprojektowany do pracy w trudnych warunkach i idealnie nadaje się do komercyjnych i wojskowych zastosowań ...
Conflitti Minerali | Amphenol Socapex
+33 4 50 89 28 00. 948 Promenade de l'Arve - BP 29 74311 THYEZ Francia. Assistenza a piè di pagina. Assistenza. FAQ; Assistenza tecnica; Modulo per la classificazione del controllo delle esportazioni; Certificazioni; I nostri distributori; RIMANI CONNESSO Ricevete le nostre ultime informazioni e gli aggiornamenti sui prodotti.
Military Programs. The Octonet is a Size 8 contact housing (4) differential pair contacts. It is a 100 Ohm impedance, capable of a data rate of 4 Gbps maximum per contact pair. The contact system has been tested and passed all the Qualification Requirements of AS39029 contact. Our 48F MT Ferrule Fiber Optic Contacts are industry standard, very
Miniature Ampli ed Low Pressure Sensors
The output of the device is ratiometric to the supply voltage and operation from any D.C. supply voltage between 4.5 and 5.5 Low Pressure (0.5” H 2 O to 30 “ H 2 O) Sensors • 0 to 0.5” H 2 O to 0 to 30” H 2 O Pressure Ranges • Temperature Compensated • Calibrated Zero and Span
LUX-BEAM™ #12 - Optické koncovky | Amphenol Socapex
Koncovky LUX-BEAM™ #12 společnosti Amphenol Socapex představují spolehlivé a inovativní řešení pro optickou komunikaci v náročných podmínkách. Jediná rozšířená paprsková koncovka umožňuje snadný upgrade z tradiční optické technologie fyzického kontaktu na bezkontaktní technologii. Je kompatibilní s dutinou #12 MIL-DTL-38999 řady III TV/CTV, EN3645 EN 4165 (SIM) a ...
ATM06-08SA-SF1BK 8 Position Plug, Socket, Keyed A, Snap-Fit - Amphenol Sine
AT11-310-0205 Mounting clip for AT, ATM, ATP, ATHD Series, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 positions connectors plastic, black, free stud mount. Comparable to PN# 1011-310-0205. REQUEST A QUOTE. AT27-003-1200 Metal Mounting Clips, 11mm hole diameter, stainless steel. Comparable to PN# 1027-003-1200.
C:UsersROrmanDesktopFLS Customer DWG Drawing updateUpdated 5-16C ...
2.4 dielectric withstanding voltage:see table1. 2.5 insulation resistance:5000 megohms min. 2.6 ip--class:ip67,ip68 and ip69k in mated condition. 2.7 mating cycles durability:500 cycles min. 2.8 rohs compliant. 3. suitable contacts :see table 2. 4. all dimensions are for reference use only.--recommended panel mounting hole recommended ...
specifically for sensing, command and control applications where a Micro or Nano Dsub would be used. Nano-Pegasus & Nano-Luminus provide exceptional performance in tight spaces, packing 11 high grade contacts in a shell size 5 housing