Search Results for 2,3-dimethylphenol m.p
2.1 Design and Drawing(2.1 ͼֽ - Amphenol Sine
Title (Y:\ ̲ \Connector team\M23-M40-RT\2_RT\191.RT#16 ĸ 3 ۽ṹ -Scott-2018-1-18\2.1 Design and Drawing(2.1 ͼֽ
$Ø€„ò# Á9 H0 ® b Á bi ‰ { &F† % Œ´!þ3î} `Bd 5 endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 75 0 obj >stream hÞb```c``òe`a`P;ÌÀÏ€ü ¬@ÈÂÀ1áÅ' ˆhsæ„e¶ SÝ&Ô40Ttt40°w€ H °30 ñ kf` ‹ø3 0 ÌÆ®4™Ãƒ …‹“ y'Ãm9¦+|, u z .Ì7„×±¥ÂlgÜg ¤™ ¬€4' ëVgõs& @¶ ã¹ @š ˆÿ :#Ÿ endstream ...
MA3TNP1200-S1 12 Position, Panel Connector with Strain Relief, P Type ...
MA3TNP1200-S1 12 position panel connector, threaded, P type, counter-clockwise insert, 4.5-7.5mm cord grip - Mating Parts: MA1CAE1200MA7CAE1200-S1MA7C Call Us 1-800-394-7732 My Account
Naval Archives - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
M83723/59-2 & M83723/60-2 . Protects the connector interface, provides seal when connector is not in use. Mates with MIL-DTL-83723 Series III connectors. MDP FTV – Mini DisplayPort . MDPTFV (Mini Displayport) series runs on display port 1.4 protocol (the fastest speed available) and supports 8k UHD and 4k UHD in a rugged, size 13 38999 shell. ...
REACHTemplate -
j :¼®I;rÞ×ÿ·—ä~s˜x… >&t)ÑæQm_š×·—+üÏì ŠüÜÿƒiÿjÏøZÿ²N¯ðÛP¹i5o†—Ù´ ÙfÓ®™ä äì˜N¾Š¦1è+ôŽ¾G2ÀÏ ‰ž {ÅïÝt 4}¶W˜C …†* )-»>«äô (¢¸O@(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¯ƒ¿àã¯ùFv©ÿc ›ÿ£ ¿žÊúì … ´pÿXö¼ºµn[ío5Üøž ã ...
P319 50/200kHz, 600W, Navico BL, DT - AIRMAR EMEA
The nearly-flush design minimizes drag with only 5 mm (3/16") extending outside of the hull. Features. Depth only or depth and fast-response water-temperature sensing; 600 W of power; Dual-frequency element: 50 kHz with a wide 45° beamwidth for depth performance to 353 m (1200')
TFOCA-III 6 & 24-Ch Specifications - アンフェノールジャパン ...
See Table 2 6C 3 Dust Cap Style See Table 6 Cable Diameter See Table 5 Key Option See Table 4 FS5H8280 Table 2 Material & Finish Dash Number 6061-T6 Al ALY Zn-ALLOY Color OD 6 Table 3 Seal Material (O-Ring) Dash Number Nitrile and Fluorosilicone C Table 6 Dust Cap Style Dash Number Female, 24-Ch 3 1H STANDARD KEY (Option 1) KEY OPTION 3
48 48 3.22 81.76 1.51 38.38 2.55 64.77 2.91 73.84 MIL Part Number. DRAIN HOLES 4 PLACES (OPTIONAL) Title: MIL-Spec Backshells Created Date:
PCB Search Results (221)
40 to 221°F) Model 7330 has full scale angular rate ranges including ±100, ±500, ±1500, ±6000, ±8000, ±12000 and ±18000 deg/sec, and provides full scale voltage output of ±2V.Designed for automotive rollover and safety tes
Login - KAYE
Kaye ValProbe RT {Overview} Kaye ValProbe RT {Base Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Flexible Temperature Logger} Kaye ValProbe RT {Bendable Temperature Logger}
AHDP06-18-06PN-WTA 6 Postions, Plug, Size 18, Pin, Wide Thre
AHDP06-18-06PN-WTA 6 Postions, Plug, Size 18, Pin, Wide Thread. Comparable to PN# HDP26-18-6PN-L024
3-8.99 m = +150.0/-25.0mm 0-2.99 m = +100.0/-25.0mm 0-9.99 ft = +4" / -1" tolerance 10.00-29.99 ft = +6" / -1" 30.00-49.99 ft = +12" / -1" 50 ft-over = +18" / -1" 4) rohs compliant 3) connector mechanical data: temperature range: -25°c to +100°c protection: ip67/ip68 (per mated condition) mating cycles: >500 2) connector electrical data ...
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
Entdecken Sie die anpassbaren Ultra-Niederdrucklösungen von Amephenol All Sensors nach Familie.
AT04-3P-PM05 Flange Mount Receptacle with Gasket - Amphenol Sine
AT04-XP-PM1X-G7 Gasket for 2,3,4,6 Position PanelMate Receptacles. REQUEST A QUOTE. AT06-3S-CAP Protective Cover for 3-way Plug. Comparable to PN# 1011-345-0305. REQUEST A QUOTE. ATRT-100 - Contact and Wedgelock Extraction Tool. REQUEST A QUOTE. AT60-14-0144 - Stamped & Formed Gold-Plated Male Contact, Size 16, 14-18AWG. Comparable to PN# 1060 ...
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Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
Entdecken Sie die anpassbaren Ultra-Niederdrucklösungen von Amephenol All Sensors nach Familie.
± 490 m/s² Frequency Range (± 3 dB) 30 to 300,000 cpm 12 to 630,000 cpm.5 to 5,000 Hz 0.2 to 10,500 Hz: Resonant Frequency 600 kcpm: 1500 kcpm 10 kHz: 25 kHz Broadband Resolution (1 to 10,000 Hz) 350 μg 50 µg:
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Model GK291D20 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
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