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Kaye History
Riprogettazione della linea taratura blocco a secco ed a bagno utilizzando le più recenti tecnologie per migliorare la capacità, la precisione, l'efficienza e l'interfaccia utente. Kaye LTR-150, Kaye HTR-420, Kaye CTR-25. Riprogettazione della linea taratura blocco a secco ed a bagno utilizzando le più recenti...
Marine Antennas CXL 70-1LW/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
50 - 60 MHz dep. of model: Antistatic Protection: All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector shows a DC-short) HCM Code(s) HCM000ND00, 400TA00: Mechanical; Connection(s) N(f) Materials: Shroud: Polyurethane-coated glass fibre ... 420 - 470 MHz: Add to quote: CXL 70-1LW/hs: 110000085: 460 - 510 MHz: Add to quote:
Thermocouple References - KAYE
Da oltre 60 anni Kaye è leader mondiale nello sviluppo e nella fornitura di sistemi di riferimento termocoppia. Dal suo primo sviluppo brevettato di Ice Point Reference negli anni '60 ai suoi riferimenti di temperatura uniforme brevettati, Kaye ha aperto la strada nel fornire soluzioni ad applicazioni critiche nell'Aerospaziale e in altri ...
Kaye LabWatch Pro - Environmental Monitoring
Internal sensor range: -20 to +60°C (Accuracy of 0.6°C from 0 to 45°C) External sensor range: -196 to +200°C (Accuracy of 0.1°C from 0 to 60°C) Maximum cable length of external sensor is 30 feet/9 meters: Relative Humidity: Internal sensor range: 0 to 100% RH (Accuracy of 2% from 10 to 90% at 25°C) Auxiliary Inputs: Contact Dry (50V maximum)
The PRO-ISO-PHY-TETRA-S2-REV has improved isolation between the ports more than 60 dB - and lower insertion loss. The use of high-quality system components such as highly selective helical duplex filters and high-performance isolators provides high isolation and secure communication.
LTR-90 Ultra Cool Dry Block Calibrator - KAYE
Kaye LTR-90 è un calibratore per pozzo secco ultra freddo progettato per la portabilità e facilità d'uso. Operando da -90 ° C a + 140 ° C, offre risposta rapida, elevata stabilità e calibrazione automatica del sensore per applicazioni a temperature ultra basse. Questo calibratore a blocchi a secco ultra-freddo è l'unità ideale per calibrare i sensori di temperatura utilizzati in celle ...
Rx : 415 - 420 MHz / Tx : 425 - 430 MHz: Max. Input Power: 25 W per port: Insertion Loss Tx-Ant. 9.0 dB: Insertion Loss Rx-Ant. 9.0 dB: Isolation TRx - TRx: ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Explore all Hybrid Combiners.
Kaye RF ValProbe II Loggers
Kaye RF ValProbe 二代实时射频记录器在原有基础上结合了突破性的无线射频技术与更加强大的温度验证技术。其可用于-40°C 至+60°C的温度环境,探头范围可达-200°C至+200°C,可以完美的用于实时的RF验证和监控试验箱,仓库,超低温冰箱,冷藏箱和SIP等应用。
Kaye RF ValProbe II Loggers
El Kaye RF ValProbe II integra la avanzada tecnología RF Mesh con la tecnología mejorada de validación térmica de registradores in situ. El rango de operación de los registradores de -40 ° C a + 60 ° C y el rango del sensor de temperatura de -200 ° C a + 200 ° C los hacen ideales para la validación de RF en tiempo real y el monitoreo de cámaras ambientales, almacenes, congeladores ...
Kaye Validator AVS
Kaye Validator AVS(先进的验证系统)结合精确的传感器测量与所有GMP的校准和可溯源至国家标准的要求,同时生成符合标准的报告并管理验证资产和验证的设备。Validator AVS提供更好的硬件性能,使用便捷的数据处理理念和直观的、友好的软件界面。
Kaye LabWatch Pro 在线监控系统
内置传感器测量范围: -20 至 +60°C (Accuracy 精度 0.6°C 从 0 至 45°C) 外置传感器测量范围: -196 至 +200°C (Accuracy 精度 0.1°C 从 0 至 60°C) 外置传感器最大长度是30 feet/9 米 相对湿度: 内置相对湿度范围: 0 to 100% RH (Accuracy of 2% from 10 to 90% at 25°C)
Temperature Calibrator - LTR-150 Dry Block and Liquid Bath - KAYE
Le Kaye LTR-150 est le calibrateur polyvalent le plus avancé. Il est spécifiquement conçu pour répondre aux besoins de capacité et de flexibilité pour la validation thermique. Sa capacité à calibrer jusqu'à 48 thermocouples, sa polyvalence pour fonctionner en tant que calibrateur à bloc sec, bain liquide ou surface,permettent aux utilisateurs du LTR-150 de gagner des heures et des ...
400 - 420 MHz = 1 415 - 435 MHz = 2 430 - 450 MHz = 3 445 - 465 MHz = 4 460 - 480 MHz = 5: Exemple de référence ; PRO-COM450-HDAR-2: H: H ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Explorez tousCombineurs hybrides.
CTR-40 Liquid Calibration Bath -
25°C to 150°C: 60 min. Typical Cool-Down Time. 25°C to -40°C: 110 min. Access Opening /Well configuration. 172mm x 94mm (6.8” x 3.7”) Tank 9.2l. Dimensions (H x W x D) 584 mm x 305 mm x 622 mm. Power. 115V 60 Hz. 230V 50 Hz. Approx. 1,400 watts. Max number of rigid ValProbe RT loggers. Max number of freeze dryer loggers. 16. 20
Facility Monitoring System | IOT Monitoring System - KAYE
Internal sensor range: -20 to +60°C (Accuracy of 0.6°C from 0 to 45°C) External sensor range: -196 to +200°C (Accuracy of 0.1°C from 0 to 60°C) Maximum cable length of external sensor is 30 feet/9 meters: Relative Humidity: Internal or External sensor range: 0 to 100% RH (Accuracy of 2% from 10 to 90% at 25°C) Auxiliary Inputs
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2. IMI Sensors offers a wide range of loop-powered vibration transmitters with a current output. These transmitters are ideal . for process monitoring applications where a continuous 24/7 signal from critical rotating assets is needed for recording
400 - 420 MHz = 1 415 - 435 MHz = 2 430 - 450 MHz = 3 445 - 465 MHz = 4 460 - 480 MHz = 5: Beispielbezeichnung ; PRO-HDAR450-2: H: H /2-5/7-2/ 5 . ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Alle Hybrid Koppler-/Koppelnetzwerke anzeigen.
2-Kanal Hybrid Ringkoppler für 450 MHz Sender PRO-PHY450-2
Betriebstemperaturbereich -30 °C to +60 °C BESTELLUNG Modell Produkt Nr Frequenz PRO-PHY450-2-TETRA 210001126 380 - 400 MHz PRO-PHY450-2-1 210000580 400 - 420 MHz PRO-PHY450-2-2 210000546 415 - 435 MHz PRO-PHY450-2-3 210000579 430 - 450 MHz PRO-PHY450-2-4 210000542 445 - 465 MHz PRO-PHY450-2-5 210000570 460 - 480 MHz