Search Results for 420 : 60
Thermocouple References
HTR-420; HTR-400; Bain Kaye CTR. CTR-25 ; CTR-40; CTR-80; Le comparateur d'azote liquide; Sonde Kaye IRTD. IRTD 400; Kaye Calibrateur d'humidité ... Depuis plus de 60 ans, Kaye est le leader mondial dans le développement et la fourniture de systèmes de référence pour thermocouples.
KAYE IRTD 400 I Temperature Reference Standard | KAYE
The broad temperature ranges from Ultra Low Temperature (-196°C) to High Temperature (+420°C), enables it to be used in virtually all temperature validation applications. ... Ambient Temperature Range: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°C) Humidity 0 to 95% non condensing: Dimensions: Overall length 603mm (23.75") Grip: 89mm x 32mm (3.5" x 1.25")
Kaye History
Kaye was founded by Dr. Joseph Kaye, who was a renowned Professor of Thermodynamics at MIT in Boston. His expertise in thermal science laid the foundation for a company dedicated to precision and innovation in the field, making significant contributions to temperature measurement and control technol
The PRO-ISO-PHY-TETRA-S3 combiner provides the possibillity of connecting up to three TETRA radios into one common antenna. The PRO-ISO-PHY-TETRA-S3 models are available in the frequency range 380 - 470 MHz (on request).
LTR-40/140 干井 - KAYE
LTR -40/140 . 温度基准干井是特别设计的,配合 Kaye Validator 软件和可溯源的温度标准实现全自动传感器校准。. LTR -25/140干井采用独特井衬装置,可以减少由于热传导效应使热电偶探头顶端温度下降而引起的误差,仅为. 0.1°C。. 没有合适的井衬,22线规的 T 型热电偶探头会产生超过0.5°C 的热传导误差。
Kaye Validator AVS
Kaye Validator AVS (Advanced Validation System) combina misurazioni accurate con tutti i requisiti GMP per le convalide termiche, garantendo la tracciabilità di taratura agli standard nazionali, generando allo stesso tempo report conformi e gestendo gli asset da validare e la strumentazione utilizzata per la convalida. Rispetto al modello precedente, con il nuovo Validator AVS sono state ...
Industrial Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® magnetostrictive linear position sensors feature all relevant industry outputs to support a large variety of industrial applications. This, together with the reliability of the position and velocity measurement, guarantees superior control of the application. Developed for linear position measurement in industrial applications
HTR-400 High-temp Dry Block Calibrator - KAYE
HTR-420; HTR-400; Bain Kaye CTR. CTR-25 ; CTR-40; CTR-80; Le comparateur d'azote liquide; Sonde Kaye IRTD. IRTD 400; ... 115 VAC 60 Hz, 6 A or 230 VAC 50 Hz, 3 A 700 watts: Documents. Vidéos à voir. ValProbe RT 1.3 . LTR-150 Calibrateur polyvalent . Services et accords de service proposés par Kaye .
Eight-TETRA-Station Combiner
Rx : 420 - 425 MHz Type TETRA combiner Max. Input Power 25 W / station Insertion Loss Tx-Ant. < 13 dB ... Isolation TRx - TRx Tx - Tx : > 60 dB Rx - Rx : > 60 dB Tx - Rx / Rx - Tx : > 60 dB VSWR < 1.5:1 Group Delay Variation Tx - ANT. < 120 nsec. Rx - ANT. < 150 nsec. No. of channels 8 Mechanical Connection(s) N(f) Colour Combiner : Black ...
Rx : 420 - 425 MHz: Tx : 415 - 420 MHz Rx : 425 - 430 MHz: Type: TETRA combiner: Max. Input Power: 25 W per port: Insertion Loss Tx-Ant. 9.0 dB: Insertion Loss Rx-Ant. 9.0 dB: ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Explore all Hybrid Combiners.
2-fach TETRA TMO Funkgerätekoppler zur ETSI konformen Zusammenschaltung von 2 Digitalfunkgeräten auf eine gemeinsame Antenne. Alle PRO-ISO-PHY-Einheiten sind für ein einzelnes Trägersignal pro Port ausgelegt und daher wird nicht empfohlen, ein Mehrfachträgersignal an den Eingangsports hinzuzufügen, da dies möglicherweise unerwünschte Intermodulationsprodukte erzeugen könnte, die am ...
wifi toolkit | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The high-performance WiFi 7 tri-band omnidirectional antenna series is designed to cover frequencies from 2.4-2.5 GHz and 4.94-7.125 GHz for broadband access applications.
Thermocouple References 热电偶基准 - KAYE
热电偶基准 解决方案已超过 50 年. 超过50年的时间,Kaye 在开发和供应热电偶基准系统处于世界领导地位。从 20 世纪 60 年代开始研发的第一款温度基准专利 ‘冰点盒’,一直到最新的专利 ‘UTR’,Kaye 一直在为航空航天和其他工业领域中热电偶测量精度的关键应用提供解决方案处于领导地位。
Compact Combiners PRO-COM450-HDAR-2 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
400 - 420 MHz = 1 415 - 435 MHz = 2 430 - 450 MHz = 3 445 - 465 MHz = 4 460 - 480 MHz = 5: Naming Example ; PRO-COM450-HDAR-2: H: H /2-5/7-2/ 1: ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Explore all Hybrid Combiners.
Duplex Filters DPF 70/55-...-TETRA-N -
The DPF 70/55-...-TETRA-N is a 2 x 5 cavity filter for duplex radio telephones. The filter uses full-length ¼ λ cavities in a compact, extruded aluminium housing.
Kaye Thermocouple Feedthru 热电偶引线器
HTR-420; HTR-400; Kaye低温油槽系列 ... 根据温度范围的不同,有不同的标准密封件可供选择,以确保在 -60°C 至 +160°C/ -76°F 至 +320°F 的温度范围内,无论是压力还是真空应用、高温还是超低温应用,都能实现最大的密封性。 ...
Rx : 420 - 425 MHz: Type: TETRA combiner: Max. Input Power: 25 W / station: Insertion Loss Tx-Ant. 13 dB: Insertion Loss Rx-Ant. 13 dB: Isolation TRx - TRx: Tx - Tx : > 60 dB ... Hybrid Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 35-100 W in frequency range 60-1000 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Learn more. Explore all Hybrid Combiners.
Fouet Antennes MU 11-X/... -
Model N ° de produit Description Fréquence; MU 11-CX/f: 130000796: CX-mount (circular)with FME: 406...430 MHz: Ajouter au devis: MU 11-CXP4/f: 130000798: CXP4-mount (circular)with 4 m cable andFME-connector
Hybrid Koppler-/Koppelnetzwerke PRO-PHY150-4 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
420 x 89 (inkl. Anschl.) x 42 mm (exkl. Absorber) Gewicht: ca. 1.33 kg (ohne Lastwiderstand) Umwelt; Betriebstemperaturbereich-30 °C to +60 °C: ... RF Cavity Combiners by Amphenol Procom for Tx 150-300 W radio systems in 60-500 MHz. Standard products are 2 to 8 channels. Read more here.
PL184X | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PL184X | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for pl182x-60-2.5 BNC Straight Plug to HD-BNC Straight Plug B1505A 75 Ohm 10 M BNC Straight Plug to HD-BNC Straight Plug B1505A 75 Ohm 600 inches 095-850-162L050. ... 101.2 ref Ø42.4 ref Ø44.6 ref mounted with plug mounted with receptacle notes: unless otherwise specified 1. material ...