Search Results for am4 soğutucu am5 e uyar mı
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
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12.0 ± 0 -
M AT E R I A L C O N N E C T O R S : 2.92mm Straight Male ( SF1511-60071 ) SMA R/A Male ( 2912-61001 ) C A B L E : Ø.085 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 18 GHz V S W R : 1.3:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.5:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 1.30 ...
k l w e µ u h z },^ // } u o ] v w lw } µ ] ] } v Æ u ] } v ~/ ( o ] o õ ô ì ì r ì ì õ r ì ì í ò z ^ z/e' u z d /e/e' e l 3hu uhylhz ri wkh pdwhuldov surfhvvhv xwlol]hg lq wkh pdqxidfwxuh ri wkh deryh olvwhg sduw qxpehu
e.m. simulation: tsw 04/20/21 n/a configuration control level: 3 a dcn 50729 05/21 oal±.250oal±6.35 see table 1 2x 2911-61000 tflex 405 cable.590 material: connectors: 2x 2911-61000 (sma straight male low profile rf) cable: 200-70-139 (tflex 405 hf cable) performance: impedance: 50 ohms freq. range: dc to 18 ghz
ATBS-231-0305 3 Position Backshell, fits AT06-3S* Plugs. C - Amphenol Sine
ATBS-231-0305 3 Position Backshell, fits AT06-3S* Plugs. Comparable to PN# 1011-231-0305
DESCRIPTION L I S T A m p h e n o l
Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins Part Number Description Size AWG Type *AT60-204-12141-10 Male Contact - Pin, Nickel-plated 12 10-12 Machined *AT62-203-12141-10 Female Contact - Socket, Nickel-plated 12 10-12 Machined AT60-220-1231 Male Contact - Pin, Gold-plated 12 12-14 Machined AT62-210-1231 Female Contact - Socket, Gold-plated 12 12-14 Machined
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
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Przycisk STOP P167 -
Przycisk STOP P167 prima. Elementy wykończenia nadwozia > Przycisk STOP P167- obudowa niebieska RAL 5015, przycisk czerwony RAL 3000
HumiTrac™ Transmitter Series Installation Guide
The ohet r end ofht e shield wire MUST be connectedot the power supply /controller earth ground ONLY. J8 TH TH I2-TMP I2RH/P– I1RH/P+ Current* V in RH (4-20mA) out J8 TH TH I2-TMP I2RH/P– I1RH/P+ Current* V in RH (4-20mA) out Thermistor Output *Shipped in 4-20mA output. J8 TH TH I2-TMP I2RH/P– I1RH/P+ Current* V in RH RTN Temp RTN ...
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792 ...
- dcn 40314 01/14 stw svk jack to plug dc-32.0 ghz attenuator checked: approved: drawn: stw 12/10/13 stw 12/10/13 jmc 12/09/13 rohs compliant disengagement: 2 in-lbs
prueba - | Amphenol Socapex
Conectores de E/S traseros. Serie 38999; Conectores Ethernet, USB y de pantalla resistentes; 2M Micro Miniatura; Accesorios; PT/451 - 26482 Serie I; Serie RFM; SL 61 Y SOCA; Conectores PCB. Volver Conectores PCB. Conectores de PCB de alto rendimiento; Conectores para circuito impreso de la serie HE7-HE8-HE9;
MHDAS 2 M XXX YC E51 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
E Last LF contact G Section A-A First LF contact D F Notes: 1. "XXX"to be replaced by the number of LF contacts. 2. MHDAS is fully intermateable and intermountable with EMM connector (EMM is a NICOMATIC trademark) 3. Connector delivered with fittings not assembled, coupling torque: 0,3 Nm 4. General tolerance #0,2 5. Fittings material ...
Letonia | Amphenol Socapex
Conectores de E/S traseros. Serie 38999; Conectores Ethernet, USB y de pantalla resistentes; 2M Micro Miniatura; Accesorios; PT/451 - 26482 Serie I; Serie RFM; SL 61 Y SOCA; Conectores PCB. Volver Conectores PCB. Conectores de PCB de alto rendimiento; Conectores para circuito impreso de la serie HE7-HE8-HE9;
| Amfenol Socapex
Povratak PS serija: Pover Devices Solutions. Pretvarači snage; Jedinice za distribuciju električne energije; USB tasteri i ekstenderi
ジャック VITA 67.1/67.2 コンタクト引抜工具|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
データシート 3d cadデータ お問合せ. 本hp掲載のデータシートは参考図となります。また、3dデータは形状確認用となります。 ご検討の際には弊社営業にお問い合わせの上、最新図面にてご確認ください。
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
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Stromverteilungseinheiten - Amphenol Socapex
AC&DC/DC-Leistungswandler, die die Anforderungen des Versa Module Europa (VME)-Standards erfüllen