Search Results for b-07-p-a
Model 333B30 ACCELEROMETER Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
0.07 - 0.13 installation drawing 081-xxxx-90 none 1 of 1 for standard 081 series mounting njf 05/03/23jdm mjn 3425 walden ave. depew, ny 14043 ... thread pitch= 1/tpi [p] 3.) for best results, place a thin layer of silicone grease (or equivalent) on interface prior to mounting.
backshell catalog | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
38999 INTEGRATED BACKSHELLS How to order Integrated backshells for TV (MIL-DTL-38999 Series III) - Crimp contacts only Integrated backshells for LJT - Crimp contacts only Series TV 07 R F 09-09 P - - F472 TV: Metallic shell Shell type P00: Square flange receptacle: 175°C (O.D. cadmium, b.zinc nickel) PS00: Square flange receptacle: 200°C (nickel)
backshell | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
97-ribntray144. fiber splice tray, tyco fosc a/b ribbon tray, 144-fiber count, oem tray. 97-felt1w30ft. felt, 1" w x 30' l x 0.5mm thick, adhesive backed for splice trays. fiber splitter trays. part number. description. cfst-a110400. one 1x4 premium plc splitter mounted on 4"x9" fiber splice tray, two transportation tubes and six tie-wraps.
Model J353B03 Accelerometer Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
0.07 - 0.13 installation drawing 081-xxxx-90 none 1 of 1 for standard 081 series mounting njf 05/03/23jdm mjn 3425 walden ave. depew, ny 14043 ... thread pitch= 1/tpi [p] 3.) for best results, place a thin layer of silicone grease (or equivalent) on interface prior to mounting.
FAKRA Technical Resource Guide_052521 - Amphenol RF
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 29 0 obj 2612 endobj 28 0 obj /Length 2612 /N 3 /Alternate /DeviceRGB /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x –wTSÙ ‡Ï½7½Ð " %ô z Ò;H Q‰I€P †„&vD F )VdTÀ G‡"cE ƒ‚b× ò PÆÁQDEåÝŒk ï5óÞšýÇYßÙç·×Ùgï}׺Pü‚ ÂtX €4¡X îëÁ\ ËÄ÷ X Àáff GøD Ôü½=™™¨HƳöî.€d»Û,¿P&sÖÿ ‘"7C$ EÕ6~& å ”S³Å 2ÿ Êô•)2†12 ...
ETV38999 - Amphenol Aerospace
Brian Antalek • Ofce 1 (607) 563-5318 • Eail • 4 Shell Size /Arrg. Service Rating Total Contacts Contact Size 22D 20 16 12 12 (Coax) 10 (Power) 8 (Coax) 8†† (Twinax)
081-XXXX-90 N.T.S. - PCB
0.07 - 0.13 installation drawing 081-xxxx-90 n.t.s. 1 of 1 for standard 081 series mounting xxx ±.005 jdm 3/9/07 ecb 3/9/07 jjd 3/9/07 "a" 5-40 ... thread pitch= 1/tpi [p] 3.) for best results, place a thin layer of silicone grease (or equivalent) on interface prior to mounting.
E-FLIGHT SOLUTIONS - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
(W587) castellated nut for 07 style Rear Mount Jam Nut receptacle connectors if required. (W765) castellated nut for 17 style Front Mount Jam Nut receptacle connectors if required. SERIES SHELL STYLE FINISH
Thermometrics Battery Temperature Sensing - Amphenol
Reliable and accurate temperature sensing measurement is crQÁ«Ý £L KÞÑ9 6*b ê@&*µ§ü!ñ â·ÜkÀÛý.QY àK s¦/ Æ Gø- ¡¨m\¡½zÆ4eù,ÕB µvAæ¡}¦lÐSf) ë @ý î 3!výVí)îÒÃ.{ þÑGÑ×5¨q¨eùqre; ÃÀ½Ylòo¨ íýrå6¯ Òû^¶JÍÒ ¸ôÓ:ÎJ.îTÏÖü ` ÂÊ´ §C ¾Ý=!ãA(ý4 ²ñø® üªO£uÕ Òã^ p ...
b b code ident. no. 52681 dwg. no. scale: sheet drawn checked engineer title unless otherwise specified tolerances are: dimensions in millimeters [ in brackets ] angles ` 2 degrees 3425 walden ave. depew, ny 14043 (716) 684-0001 e-mail: dimensions in inches angles ` 2 degrees fillets and radii .003 - .005 fillets and radii 0.07 ...
Frequency Range± 10 % 0.07 to 7,000 Hz 0.07 to 7,000 Hz Discharge Time Constant ≥ 10 sec ≥ 10 sec Settling Time(within 10% of bias) < 120 sec < 120 sec Supplied Accessory: Model ACS-4 Single axis, low frequency phase and amplitude response cal from 0.5 to 10 Hz (1) W - Water Resistant Cable
18.0 ± 0.2 -
C A B L E : Ø.047 Flexible Coax S H R I N K T U B I N G : M23053/5 P E R F O R M A N C E I M P E D A N C E : 50 Ohms F R E Q . R A N G E : DC to 18 GHz V S W R : 1.3:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.5:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 3.22 dB Max N O T E S 1. See individual data drawings for connector specifications
SMA to SMA Cable Assemblies - Amphenol RF
SMA Straight Plug to SMA Straight Plug RG-142 50 Ohm 36 inches 135101-07-36.00. View Details. Add to Parts List Add to Compare. SMA Straight Plug to SMA Straight Plug RG-316 50 Ohm 500 mm 135101-01-M0.50. View Details. Add to Parts List Add to Compare.
P/N Coding A HVRCF12PCA Coding B HVRCF12PCB Coding C HVRCF12PCC. 20 SOCKET 12 PIN SOCKET All connectors do not include contacts. Please order them separately (ref: P/N below) CONTACTS (Male contact) Male contact Sealing plug P/N: C310023102 P/N: C220011207 ... 8/15/2022 4:07:36 PM ...
MCS XXXX B SS WW A P P C - VVV MCS: Standard size Luminus/pegasus MCN: Nano Luminus/Pegasus XXXX: Unique Alpha Numeric Identifier 0001: Standard Connector Style A: Inline Receptacle B: Inline Plug C: Square Flange D: Circle Flange E: Jamnut Pcb F: Oval Flange G: Jamnut Flange Front Mount H: Jamnut Flange Rear Mount SS: Actual shell size 05 06 ...
LUMINUS - Amphenol PCD
Shell Size Key Color Plug P/N Inline Receptacle P/N Circular Receptacle P/N Square Receptacle P/N Jamnut PCB Mount P/N Oval Receptacle P/N Jam Nut Rear Mount ... 07 (max dia: 0.448) 6, size 22, Twist & Lock 8, size 22, Twist & Lock 1, size 12, Push & Pull 08 (max dia: 0.528) 4, size 16 , Twist & Lock
Heavy Duty Cylindrical MIL-C-22992 QWLD - Amphenol Aerospace
24 MIL-C-22992, QWLD insert arrangements Insert Arrangement Service Rating Total Con-tacts Contact Size MS Approved Industrial 0 4 8 12 16 22-27 J = D; Bal. = A 9 1 8
115)V ɯ7×¹Àœçò·°, Ïšqiò]ZÖŒÔLG —J[¬;{.ë3@]Å·ÁÜàX\í 5´ ¶[à =ë ñX + ̯¾hhj„ØShl–h°§ç"ɵéÔê¡©1”ÖÔ` .!¾¨¶§ ¾ EXR)a[†šj Ù€ Jt tLòèœæB S»\ry™óÌM=ËkqbÂ{\P±&¦7
b dcn 49159 07/19 stw rohs compliant - rel. f-6547 7/78 dgg a soft solder bottom b .223 90°±5° .020±.010 deburr outer conductor jacket step 1: trim cable jacket and dielectric to b dimension (table i). chamfer center conductor as shown (filing is acceptable). deburr cable jacket as shown.