Search Results for sr04m-2 ultrasonic sensor mode
AR30 Airducer® Ultrasonic Transducer - Airmar
The ultrasonic AR30 brings proven dependability to level, flow and distance measurement applications. It includes rugged sealed construction, and PVDF housing is available for more chemically aggressive environments. The AR30 incorporates standard internal shielding, and it can accommodate transceiver and signal processing electronics.
150WXRS WeatherStation® Instrument - Airmar
With minimal maintenance, the unique rain sensor plus a full suite of ultrasonic wind, temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity sensors, the WeatherStation 150WXRS delivers a significantly lower total cost of ownership than traditional measurement devices. Features.
DX900 Multilog Smart™ Electromagnetic Speed Sensor ... - AIRMAR EMEA
Electromagnetic Speed. Say goodbye to the paddlewheel and hello to Smart ™ Sensor technology. The DX900+ uses electromagnetic technology to accurately measure dual-axis speed through water plus immediately calculate leeway travel.
Acu-Trac™ SMART 485 -
The Acu-Trac™ Smart 485 family ultrasonic level transducers are designed for continuous liquid level monitoring and liquid level control applications. These non-contact, continuous liquid level transducers can monitor tanks or storage containers that have a depth of up to 1.9 meters (75.69 inches) for gasoline and 2.5 meters (98.4 inches) for ...
AR50 Airducer® Ultrasonic Transducer - Airmar
The AR50 delivers unparalleled ultrasonic sensing performance with level, flow and distance measurement applications. It includes rugged sealed construction, and PVDF housing is available for more chemically aggressive environments. ... Note: *Pulse-Echo Mode. Minimum and maximum ranges are best case scenarios. Actual range may vary, depending ...
not included on charge mode pressure sensors spec sheets. These are electrical characteristics that are determined by the charge amplifier or in-line charge converter. Every charge mode pressure sensor has a natural frequency . that will restrict the frequency response to some upper . limit. The natural frequency (resonance) is a mechanical
Fig. 2: R-Series V sensor with TempoLink smart assistant R-SERIES V SSI Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor performance to meet the many demands of your application. The R-Series V is the long term solution for harsh environments that have high levels of shock and vibration. The sensor with SSI output (Synchronous Serial ...
Data Sheet R-Series V RP5 SSI - Temposonics
Update rate 2 Stroke length 25 mm 300 mm 750 mm 1000 mm 2000 mm 6350 mm Update rate 10 kHz 3.4 kHz 2.7 kHz 2.1 kHz 1.2 kHz 0.4 kHz Linearity deviation3 Stroke length ≤ 400 mm > 400 mm Linearity deviation ≤ ±40 μm < ±0.01 % F.S. Optional internal linearization: Linearity tolerance (applies for the first magnet for differential measurement)
Data Sheet R-Series V RM5 Analog (Doc Part No. 552114)
The Temposonics® R-Series V brings very powerful sensor perfor-mance to meet the many demands of your application. The RM5 sensor is the version of the RH5 rod sensor in a protective housing (super shield housing). The main advantages of the RM5 are: Protection against corrosion The housing made of high-quality stainless steel
Model 086C03 Platinum Stock Products; Modally Tuned® Impulse ... - PCB
Platinum Stock Products; Modally Tuned® Impulse Hammer w/force sensor and tips, 0 to 500 lbf, 10 mV/lbf (2.2 mV/N) Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail: Web:
Model M124A24 Rocket motor ICP® pressure sensor, 1000 psi, 5 mV/psi ...
Rocket motor ICP® pressure sensor, 1000 psi, 5 mV/psi, water-cooled, 1/2-Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 800-828-8840 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 ... mode sensors. mV/psi and a ful
150WXRS NMEA 0183 / 2000® WeatherStation® - SolarShield and Rain Sensor ...
With minimal maintenance, the unique rain sensor plus a full suite of ultrasonic wind, temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity sensors, the WeatherStation 150WXRS delivers a significantly lower total cost of ownership than traditional measurement devices. Features.
Level Transducers - Accurate and Reliable Industrial Ultrasonic Level ...
Check out Airmar’s full range of ultrasonic transducers for level measurement. Key Features: Multi-use capabilities for a wide variety of applications; No moving parts equals low maintenance and long-term reliability; Sensing range: 5 cm (2") to 60 m (196.85') Frequency range: 15 kHz – 300 kHz; IP68 rated
Vibration Sensors - Amphenol Sensors
Vibration Sensors Vibration Sensors: Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies has a strong legacy of success in vibration monitoring with hundreds of thousands of sensors currently in service around the world. Built for long use and excellent performance, our high quality accelerometers, 4-20 mA sensors, transmitters and instrumentation provide accurate and reliable ...
Signal Conditioning Basics | PCB Piezotronics
In addition to ease-of-use and simplicity of operation, ICP ® sensors offer many advantages over traditional charge output sensors, including: 1.) Fixed voltage sensitivity independent of cable length or capacitance. 2.) Low output impedance (<100 Ohms) allows signals to transmitted over long cables through harsh environments with virtually no loss in signal quality.
Vibration Monitoring - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of accelerometers, velocity sensors, hazardous location certified sensors, portable vibration meters, enclosures, transmitters, mounting hardware, cable assemblies to monitor vibration on rotating machinery including pumps, motors, fans, gearboxes.
6 Temposonics® R-Series SSI Operation Manual Temposonics® R-Series SSI Operation Manual Measurement contents (optional: box no. 20) Note: Choose “9” in box no. 18 and 19. 1 Position measurement 2 Differentiation measurement 4 3 Velocity measurement 4 Position measurement + temperature measurement (only with data length = 24 bit)
Operation Manual R-Series V Profinet 551973 - Temposonics
Temposonics® R-Series V PROFINET RT & IRT Operation Manual I 5 I a Sensor model R P 5 Profi le b Design G Magnet slider backlash free (part no. 253 421), suitable for internal linearization L Block magnet L (part no. 403 448) M U-magnet OD33 (part no. 251 416-2), suitable for internal linearization N Magnet slider longer ball-jointed arm (part no. 252 183), ...
INIR2-ME100% Methane Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
Through-shaft, end-of-shaft 2-piece and ARC/offaxis configurations; ... Miniature switch or position sensor; Digital output; Surface mount device (SMD) version; Dismiss ad Dismiss ad. ... Ultrasonic Fluid Level Sensors. Continuously monitors liquid levels within tank or reservoir, including fuel, coolant and hydraulic fluids. ...
Model 064B01 Water-cooled adaptor, sensor recess mount, 1/2-20 ... - PCB
Water-cooled adaptor, sensor recess mount, 1/2-20 thd, 1.0" hex (for Series Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 800-828-8840 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail: Web: