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QXRT16 Contact Extraction Tool, #16 (Ø 1.6) Contact QXRT16 Contact Extraction Tool, #16 (Ø 1.6) Contact MFX-3959 Hand Crimp Tool for Machined Contacts MFX-3954 Hand Tool, Stamped & Formed Contact, Size 16, 20-14AWG MFX-3960 Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Machined Contact MFX-3957 Crimp Die, Stamped & Formed Contact Plating Options, All Symbol Plating
B3 - UPDATED 04DEC15 MRF Tommy - Amphenol Sine
Title: G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsM23 & M40 DatasheetsC-MA1LAxxx00_REV_B3.dwg Author: mforce Created Date: 1/8/2016 8:40:03 AM
6.10 Ultraviolet Resistance 12 6.11 Sheath retention 12 Qualification test matrix 13 7.0 REVISION RECORD 13 PDS: Rev :B STATUS:Released Printed: Aug 19, 2019. NUMBER GS-12-1413 TYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION TITLE PAGE REVISION 7 OCTIS interface for Hybrid, Signal, Power, SFP & RJ45 Cable to Board I/O Connector System ...
APXVBLL3LL26AB 43-C-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
array layout array frequency connector connector type ret aisg ret uid 1-2 r1 698-960 mhz (2x) 4.3-10 female r1 rfxxxxxxxxxxx-r1 3-4 y1 1710-2690 mhz apxvbll3ll26ab_43-c-i20
IEC/EN 61000-4-2/3/4/6, level 3/4 criterium A, CE qualified ‡ Sensor rod and interconnection cable is mounted inside a hydraulic housing or metal housing. Shock rating: 100 g (single hit)/ IEC standard 68-2-27 (survivability) Vibration rating: 10 g/10 to 2000 Hz, IEC standard 68-2-6 (operational) WIRING
The threshold of EIRP of the antenna shall be limited to 2, 3.5 or 6 watt for IIA, IIB and IIC respectively (see EN 60079-0:2012 & EN 60079-14:2014 § 6.7). The example below shows how the power can be calculated. The following formula is used to calculate the transmitting power: P. t = EIRP + L. c - G. a
NovaSensor NPP-301 Series Pressure Sensor -
301B-700AT 100 psia (6.89 bar), ported Tape and reel NPP - _____ Typical model number. Title: NovaSensor NPP-301 Series Pressure Sensor Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: The NPP-301 Series features silicon pressure sensors in surface mount packages. An ultra-small Silicon Fusion Bonded (SFB), ultra-high stability SenStable ...
The threshold of EIRP of the antenna shall be limited to 2, 3.5 or 6 watt for IIA, IIB and IIC respectively (see EN 60079-0:2012 & EN 60079-14:2014 § 6.7). The example below shows how the power can be calculated. The following formula is used to calculate the transmitting power: P. t = EIRP + L. c - G. a
Tower Mounted Amplifi er -
Dimensions - Length x Width x Depth 275 x 168 x 70 mm 10.8 x 6.6 x 2.8 in Gross Weight 4.9 kg 10.8 lbs Connectors (number, type) BTS 2 Connectors / 7/16-DIN Female or 4.3/10 Female ANT 2 Connectors / 7/16-DIN Female or 4.3/10 Female AISG 1 Connector / 8 pin circular Color NCS 1502-R Mounting Hose clamps, arbitrary orientation
.97 [24.6] 1.73 [43.9] M12x1 - 6g.687 [17.45] HEX 1/4-28 UNF - 2B .21[5.3] GROUND SIGNAL/POWER REVISIONS. REV DESCRIPTION DIN A REVISED TITLE 45109. ACCELEROMETER . WITH INTEGRAL POLYURETHANE CABLE. MODEL 603C11. n. Configurable cable length and terminating connector. ACCELEROMETER WITH INTEGRAL ARMORED
Level Plus - Temposonics
2.6 Power Supply Requirements 34 2.7 Switch Settings 35 2.7.1 Default Setting 35 2.7.2 DIP Switch #1 36 2.7.3 DIP Switch #2 (Stand-Alone Mode — Commands/# of Gauges) 38 2.7.4 DIP Switch #2 (Network Mode — Address) 40 2.7.5 Push Button Switch #3 41 2.8 Initial Power Up 41 2.9 Display Contrast Adjustment 43 3.0 OPERATION 44 3.1 Stand-alone ...
2.6 ip classÿˆip67 and ip69k in the mated condition. 2.7 mating cycles durabilityÿˆ500 cycles min. 2.8 rohs compliant. 3. suitable contacts ÿˆ16# contact. 4. all dimensions are for reference use only. a1 -- released drawing aug-09-16jarrytommy master keyway rts6bs14*12pxx xxxx 30.6 81.5 max 25.5 Ø a-40°c ~ +105°c part number-40°c ...
C 16-L - Amphenol Sine
Polyamide 6.6 versilbert/vergoldet screw Neoprene VO bayonet 4 mm 2 12 2.5 - 6.0 mm 2 14 -10 0.09 - 2.5 mm 28 - 14 0.09 - 2.5 mm 28 - 14 0.09 - 1.0 mm2 28 - 18 ≤ 50 N ≤ 15 N ≤ 25 N ≤ 30 N ≤ 25 N 3 x 21 A, 9 x 11 A 6000 V II II III III III 3 3 3 3 x 500 V, 9 x 300 V 400 V 250 V Electrical Characteristics
5798400R - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Gain Over all Tilts dBi 15.7 ± 0.5 16.9 ± 0.5 17.2 ± 0.6 Azimuth Beamwidth degrees 65.1° ± 3.8° 62.6° ± 4.3° 62.9° ± 2.3° Elevation Beamwidth degrees 7.3° ± 0.4° 6.1° ± 0.4° 5.4° ± 0.5° Electrical Downtilt degrees 2°-12° Impedance Ohms 50 VSWR (Return Loss) --- (dB) < 1.5 (>14) Passive Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2 x ...
G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsM23 & M40 DatasheetsC-MA1RAxxx01 REV B3
2.6 degree of pollution: 3 per ul840 2.7 overvoltage category: iii per ul840 2.8 mating cycle durability: >500 cycles 2.9 rohs compliant 3. all dimensions are for reference use only. b2 - update the durability jun.27,2015 drack tommy tommy b3 - updated 04dec15 mrf tommy - ma1rae1201 m23, recp, r/a, rot, 12pos, e type 1 - ma1raf1201 2 - ma1rag1201 3
B RTS1BS14*3SHECxx A1 -
MP10A23G30L MS10A23G30 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold 30µ" MP10A23S-25 MS10A23S-25 16-14 1.5 - 2.5 No Silver MP10A23F-25 MS10A23F-25 16-14 1.5 - 2.5 No Gold Flash Tooling, Machined Part Number Description QXRT08 Contact Extraction Tool, # 8 (Ø 3.6mm) Contact M300BT Hand Crimper
The threshold of EIRP of the antenna shall be limited to 2, 3.5 or 6 watt for IIA, IIB and IIC respectively (see EN 60079-0:2012 & EN 60079-14:2014 § 6.7). The example below shows how the power can be calculated. The following formula is used to calculate the transmitting power: P. t = EIRP + L. c - G. a
APXVLL15B 43-C-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dimensions 1495 x 320 x 123 mm (58.9 x 12.6 x 4.8 in) APXVLL15B_43-C-I20 65° 1495 mm INTEGRATED RET ORDERING OPTIONS Select from the following ordering options ANTENNA MODEL NUMBER CONFIGURATION MOUNTING HARDWARE MOUNTING PIPE DIAMETER SHIPPING WEIGHT APXVLL15B_43-C-I20 ACU-I20-B2 Internal RET
slimline x 8 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Size (Diameter x Length) 9.75 in x 8.50 in 247.65 mm x 215.90 mm [6] Weight 80 lb 36.29 kg Mounting Flange (3/4in Bolts) Flange (M20 Bolts) Torsional Stiffness 53,900 klbf-in/radian 6090 kN-m/radian Sensing Element Strain Gage Strain Gage Sensor Material plated steel plated steel Electrical Connector PT02E-10-6P PT02E-10-6P ...
Model 685B0011A13 Electronic vibration switch, internal ICP ... - PCB
6 Alert Output Main Terminal 1 7 Main Terminal 2 8 N/A N/A 9 N/A 10 Raw Vibration Output Common 11 +Signal 12 Control Configurations Remote Reset Connection (Do not apply power) 13 Common Connection 14 Calibration Connection 15 Current Output - 4-20 mA 16 + 4-20 mA