Search Results for c�m���f�w�^��
NTC Type NDK -
the range of 32°F (0ºC) up to the maximum operating temperature • Reference temperatures • Wire lengths 1.181 in to 23.62 in (30 mm to 600 mm) 0.195(±1 mm or ±2%, whichever is the greater) • Other wire materials Data • Minimum operating temperature range: -40°F to 311°F (-40°C to 155°C) • Thermal time constant: <10s
Thermo-Trex 500-Plus 12 AWG Cord Sets - TPC Wire
• IP68 Rated • RoHS Compliant • 600 V • Operating Temperature up to 180°C Thermo-Trex® 500-Plus ... Silicone Molded w/High Temperature Wire 45 84240S2 4 Pole 1/2" NPT 12" Male Receptacle ... M/F EXTENSION FACE VIEW OF FEMALE PLUG ASSEMBLY.
Model 207C | PCB Piezotronics
-65 to +250 °F-54 to +121 °C: Temperature Coefficient of Sensitivity: ≤0.12 %/°F: ≤0.216 %/°C: Electrical: Discharge Time Constant (at room temp) ≥2000 sec: ≥2000 sec: Excitation Voltage: 20 to 30 VDC: 20 to 30 VDC: Constant Current Excitation: 2 to 20 mA: 2 to 20 mA: Output Impedance: ≤100 Ohm: ≤100 Ohm: Output Bias Voltage: 8 ...
POWERSAFE W - Amphenol Australia
60 G from - 55°C to + 175°C (olive drab cadmium finish) 60 G from - 55°C to + 200°C (nickel finish and firewall version) Random vibrations per EIA364.28 1G2 / Hz at 175°C olive drab cadmium finish 1G2 / Hz at 200°C nickel finish and firewall version 5G2 / Hz at ambient Shell size 13/17/25 (3 arrangements) Shell and Backshell plating
NTC Type NDM -
77°F (25ºC) in the range of 32°F (0ºC) up to the operatingtemperature • Reference temperatures • Wire lengths 1.181 in to 23.62 in (30 mm to 600 mm) (±1 mm or ±2%, whichever is the greater) •Otherwirematerials Data • Operating temperature range: -40°F to 311°F (-40°Cto155°C) • Thermal time constant: <10s
Amphenol LTW
19-5 Amphenol LTW Technology Co., Ltd. RBL Connector I Physical Dimension IP 67 9 Unmated or Mated
UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Amphenol 2 Fiveways Blvd, Keysborough, VIC ...
a b c d e f a b c d e f 1342 5 678 1 2 3 4 5 687 legend key product characterristics sheet third angle projection this document is the property of amphenol australia ...
Model M204C | PCB Piezotronics
-65 to +250 °F-54 to +121 °C: Temperature Coefficient of Sensitivity: ≤0.08 %/°F ... (M)204C & (M)214B: 1: 083B04: Pilot bushing for Models 204C & 214B: 1: Optional Versions (M) Metric Mount. Accessories: Supplied: M083B04: Pilot Bushing: 1: Supplied: M081A14: Mounting Stud, M14 x 1.25 x 1.400, BeCu: 1 (W) Water Resistant Cable. English SI ...
NTC Type NDM -
77°F (25ºC) in the range of 32°F (0ºC) up to the operatingtemperature • Reference temperatures • Wire lengths 1.181 in to 23.62 in (30 mm to 600 mm) (±1 mm or ±2%, whichever is the greater) •Otherwirematerials Data • Operating temperature range: -40°F to 311°F (-40°Cto155°C) • Thermal time constant: <10s
WWX063X19 x00 -
Per Port @ 50° C (122° F) 250 WATTS Maximum Total Continuous Power at 50° C (122° F) 1000 WATTS Connector Type (4x) 7/16-DIN FEMALE Dimensions 1906 x 305 x 180 mm (75.0 x 12.0 x 7.1 in) Radome Color Options Grey • Twin band, 2x X-Pol (Quad-Pol) variable tilt, panel antenna
Data Sheet R-Series V RM5 EtherNet/IP -
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RM5 EtherNet/IP™ 5 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)
Ÿ >stream ¤ç Øêeƒ —ö åsªG l “ú †€'«Ž“øtW^t(zÆËuž ã] µšÊæ( U\ñWÉÎà·®V77¢ T¢æ Nb[±{B•7‹Á ÔCyXù¨oã7Œ1ÏGü×¼©9ó^® úù[Ëb ãÖÃ,v3XËÝ HÊëd/®›¼˜¸M ag/mІ8¦cE˜Ý‘ Ò¨ºâ¤Ý16¬zÇQŸÝˆ–¿-±öŽê’Ó‘J ”Í ßzî˜ûxìò,tõ®› Ý¿p 5GT}šìî 5v æÅÁ-q ...
B75 Medium Chirp, 600W, 0° Tilt, Furuno 10-Pin, DT
B75 Medium Chirp, 600W, 0° Tilt, Furuno 10-Pin, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Amphenol 2 Fiveways Blvd, Keysborough, VIC ...
a b c d e f a b c d e f 1342 5 678 1 2 3 4 5 687 legend key product characterristics sheet third angle projection this document is the property of amphenol australia ...
2–185 °F (0–85 °C) at Rotor Module; 32–122 °F (0–50 °C) at Receiver Unit 32–185 °F (0–85 °C) at Rotor Module; 32–122 °F (0–50 °C) ... or 125–375 VDC <20 W 100–240 VAC 50 / 60 Hz or 24 VDC Power to Transmitter Induction Induction Induction Machine Connections Positive Field Voltage; Negative Field Voltage;
Datasheet -
F-6-TD SELF INSTALL 5.1 For cable Frequency Range 0.3 - 3000 MHz Impedance (Nom.) 75 Ohm Product photo pr > 85 Amp. Rating (measured) Cable data (calculated) Cable data Transfer Impedance (CoMeT) Class A++ mΩ/m @ 5-30MHz< 0.9 <0.27 mΩ/item @ 5-30MHz Screening Attenuation(CoMeT) Class ... Storing -40° to +70° C Inner Conductor Resistance ...
Omni Antennas CXL 900-1LW - AMPHENOL PROCOM
CXL 900-1LW is a 0 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional base station and marine antenna, which covers the 900 MHz band in two models. Provided with the sturdy “LW” mast mount – a lightweight, multipurpose, epoxy-coated mounting bracket made of non-corrosive aluminium.
Purchasing Terms and Conditions -
sch w o rk h allnot be co nsider ed mpl yees f te P se . S r hall m in ll necess ary insu rance cove ges inc lud g public ty iabili d Workman's Compens t on in s ura nce. Se ll e r h aify nd msave less rd defe d P c ase from y all c lim s or iabilitie rng out of the wo k cove ed bythi pa ag ph.
2089-7218-02 - Sheet1
remove all burrs/sharp w/ break / r of .003" to .0005" unless otherwise noted dias concentric <.003 t.i.r. area 2089-7218-02 - mccormick mccormick 9/29/14 9/29/14 see notes 1 1 4 3 2 1 d c b a eco # 9/29/14 unless otherwise specified rev description approved eng appr. checked drawn decimals inch [mm] ... sma-f, 2-18ghz, 2-way, 30w see notes t ...
PCB Search Results (325)
Hermetic bulkhead feed thru adaptor,10-32 jack to 10-32 jack, low outgassing, with the O-ring -4°F to +325°F (-20°C to 121°C), without the O-ring -65°F (-54°C) Product Type: Accessory Product Manual