Search Results for w3-1 overfly
SMP Male to 2.92 Female Adapter, SB SF1112-6031 - SV Microwave
These products contain one or more EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) > 0.1% by weight (1000 ppm). Details related to the SVHC are displayed. REACH SVHC: LEAD, CAS #: 7439-92-1, PPM: 4000 . Use personal protective equipment as required. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash thoroughly after handling.
M7242 SERIES - Amphenol Aerospace
ared Sibrava | +1 (607) 643-1845 | 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE REGULATION Up to ±3% (Low to high linevoltage, no load to full load, -40°C to +85°C). Transient Over-and-undershoot Load step from 50% to 100% output voltage change less than 10% within 200-300 µs
Operation Manual Level Plus - Temposonics
Level Plus ® Tank SLAER ® Operation Manual I 3 I 1. Contact information United States General Tel: +1-919-677-0100 Fax: +1-919-677-2343 E-mail:
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scale: 8:1 size dwg. no. b material: finish: 7) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified 95077 1221-40049 cage code within t.i.r. west palm beach, fl 33409 title: proprietary 2400 centrepark west drive, suite 100 6) dia.’s on common centers to be concentric mil-std-10. sv microwave, inc is prohibited. surface area: sheet 1 of 1
Panel Antennas 766.65.12.00 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Model Product No. Description Frequency; XPOL panel antenna 65°, 12 dBi: 766.65.12.00-7/16(f) 7/16(f) termination: 380 - 470 MHz: Add to quote: XPOL panel antenna 65°, 12 dBi
Molded & Mechanical Military Connectors (MIL-C-5015) - TPC Wire
# OF CONTACTS 1-#16 1-#16 1-#16 1-#12 1-#4 1-#8 1-#0 1-#0 SERVICE RATING A A D D A B D E 1 CONTACTS View from Mating Face of Pin Insulator: * = Most Popular Layouts MOLDED VS. MECHANICAL BACKSHELLS MOLDED MECHANICAL • The Molded version promotes a fully sealed tamper proof backend with superior cable ...
Data Sheet E-Series ET SSI 551899 - Temposonics
Fig. 1: Time-of-flight based magnetostrictive position sensing principle Fig. 2: Certification of Temposonics® ET (version A and E) Fig. 3: Typical application: Metal processing 4 5 3 1 Measurement Cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld
12-Port Antenna -
1 of 7 Integra compatible PRODUCT OVERVIEW Frequency Range (MHz) 698-960 698-960 1427-2690 1427-2690 1427-2690 1427-2690 Array R1 R2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Connector 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Polarization XPOL XPOL XPOL XPOL XPOL XPOL
1 general . operating guide. for use with . piezoelectric charge mode accelerometers . specification sheet, installation drawing . and calibration information enclosed . pcb assumes no responsibility for damage caused to this product as a result of . procedures that are inconsistent with this operating guide. 1.0 introduction
D38999コネクタ用 SMPSピンコンタクト(サイズ16)、1.2mmケーブル用
データシート 3d cadデータ お問合せ. 本hp掲載のデータシートは参考図となります。また、3dデータは形状確認用となります。 ご検討の際には弊社営業にお問い合わせの上、最新図面にてご確認ください。
Directional Couplers ADC-xx-WBS-LP-43F-CC -
Amphenol directional couplers are designed to give optimum performance between 380 - 2700 MHz. Achieving PIM @ -153 dBc, IP 65 rating, makes them ideal for indoor or outdoor environments.
Leading the Evolution of RF/Microwave Technology on a Global Scale | SV ...
Explore high-quality range of connectors, adapters, cable assemblies, passive components and removal tools at SV Microwave. Elevate your RF connections today.
Model 260A13 | PCB Piezotronics
1.800 in: 45.72 mm: Weight: 9.88 oz: 280 gm: Housing Material: Stainless Steel: Stainless Steel: Sealing: Hermetic: Hermetic: Electrical Connector (Quantity, 3) 10-32 Coaxial Jack: 10-32 Coaxial Jack: Electrical Connection Position: Side: Side * All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.
Dipole Arrays S.1H-127-2 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Model Product No. Frequency; Heavy duty 2-stacked dipole array: S.1H-127-2: 117 - 137 MHz: Add to quote
SGX - Industrial
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Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 PROFINET (Document part number: 551962)
1/ These values refer to a single position measurement. 2/ With position magnet # 251 416-2 Technical data “Electrical connection” on page 5. 5 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 PROFINET IO RT & IRT Data Sheet Electrical connection Connection type 2 × M12 female connectors (5 pin), 1 × M12 male connector (4 pin) or
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