Search Results for marport extract data
Introduction -
Data received can be recorded on a built-in SD card and replayed in higher definition. They can be installed on port, starboard doors and clumps. ... They are compatible with Marport Dock product, with which you can easily charge, monitor, configure and update the connected sensors (up to 4). A Door Sensor SC is also available, designed to work ...
Ownship & Trawl Data -
Ownship and trawl data are used for 3D (like 3D door view, 3D trawl speed view and 3D system view) and positioning. These data are extracted and treated from sensors data. Only use these data if sensor locations are configured on the correct nodes. Like sensor data, a LED next to data names indicates the status of data received:
Speed data is wrong -
Speed data displayed in Scala2 is wrong. By default in Scala2 , speed units of measure are in meter/second. If you are used to knots, these measures will seem too low. Check the units of measure. If ...
Introduction -
Marport’s speed sensor family includes two categories of sensors: The Flow sensors, that include the Trawl Speed sensor, Grid sensor and Symmetry sensor. The Speed Explorer. They all track pitch and roll data. Each of them has different functions and purposes. The Grid sensor is placed on the grid of a trawl. It tells you if the grid does its ...
Door Explorer & Door Sensor Pro -
Data received can be recorded on a built-in SD card and replayed in higher definition. They can be installed on port, starboard doors and clumps. ... Marport Dock product, with which you can easily charge, monitor, configure and update the connected sensors (up to 4).
Introduction -
With Spread sensors, it is calculated using depth and bearing data received from the sensors and using the length of warps. Warp lengths can be obtained from winch control systems giving accurate wire measurements. With Slant Range sensors (also called pingers), it is calculated using the distance from the sensors to the hydrophones, depth and bearing data received from the sensors.
Introduction to the Trawl Explorer - Marport
Watch these short videos to learn how to use Marport sensors. Sensor Configuration. Learn how to configure the sensor settings. ... Learn how to configure the receiver to be able to receive and display Trawl Explorer sensor data. Installation. Learn how to install Trawl Explorer sensors on the trawl gear.
Main Parts - Marport
Examples of data received and displayed in Scala2 application. Safety Guidelines. Read this section before using the product. Description. System Compatibility. The Catch Navigator is compatible with the following versions of Marport 's software and equipment. Firmware and Features. This section describes the ...
Speed data is wrong -
Speed data displayed in Scala2 is wrong. By default in Scala2 , speed units of measure are in meter/second. If you are used to knots, these measures will seem too low. ... Charge the sensor at any battery level with either Marport Dock charger, Basic Sensor Charger or Medusa II Multi-charger. Cleaning the Sensor.
• Depth data • Temperature data • Pitch and roll data • Distance from the sensor to the seabed or footrope. The Trawl Explorer Pro . can adapt to different types of fishing methods. For example, you can fully configure the sounding modes in accordance with your fishing method to have best results.
SpreadSensorsPro UserManual en V3 - Marport
data received from the sensor. The sensor has a longer battery life than with a digital communication protocol. Important: Data received from the PRP sensors cannot be recorded on the SD card. • Digital: the sensor emits on one frequency. The signal is more robust than PRP . communication protocol, but the battery lifetime is lower.
Trawl Navigator -
Trawl Navigator . is a high-definition net sounder, designed to operate on the . trawl headline. It is suited for bottom trawling and will offer better performance on trawls with a small
Applications -
The image below shows data received from a Trident Down Looking sensor installed on the headline of the trawl gear. Detections. a. Fish passing above the headline. b. Fish inside the trawl. c. Footrope. d. Fish passing below the footrope. Sounding directions. 1. Up sounding. 2. Down port sounding ...
Trident -
**Marport Standard Marine Limited Warranty The housing is delivered with 4 soft shackles: dimensions 7-10x100x100 mm, resistance up to 1 ton (+/- 10% tolerance).
Product Documentation - Marport
Added trend gauge for spread data. Added explanations about the display of vessel details when replaying data. Added guidelines to import a new Scala2 license file. Added troubleshooting case regarding the license file.
Marport is a division of Airmar Technology Corporation. Disclaimer. Marport . ... The Mx computer processes the signal and displays the data on a screen connected to the Mac. You can configure the sensors and display data to suit your needs. The . M3 PRO has a full range of capabilities:
Installing Sensor Pockets - Marport
Cut round openings in the doors. Place the sensor pocket with the bottom portion sticking out of back side of the door. Adjust accordingly to the elevation angle and angle of attack you need (see Pocket Angle of Attack).Picture below shows angles of attack seen from above the door.
Configuring the Hydrophones - Marport
You need to add to Scala2: warp lengths (Spread sensors only), GPS coordinates and heading data received from devices such as winch control systems or GPS compass. Configuring Trawl Settings. You need to configure trawl settings to display the trawl on the chart and vessel 3D overview. Configuring ...
Configuring Data Display on Scala2 -
Open the customize panel, then go to Mx and drag Door 3D View to the page.; To change the door or clump model: From the top left corner, click Menu > Settings.; Click the Trawl tab and select the models of doors and clump from the lists, using left and right arrows.; You can also change the viewing angle: looking from the trawl toward the vessel (front), or from the vessel toward the trawl (back).
Catch Navigator - Marport
MASP . to . set up the sensor. To be operational, the sensor needs to be configured with two files: • a firmware file (*.A2F): it is the firmware of the sensor,